Post Primary Education Programme

Post Primary Education Programme – HEADSTRONG


Cycle Against Suicide Post Primary  evidence based Programme – HEADSTRONG is designed as a whole school approach to mental health. It supports mental health education in schools, reduces stigma, promotes resilience and fosters a sense of belonging among young people.   

Additionally, teachers will be given access to a series of lesson plans as well as creative ideas for teaching students about the different themes and activities that coincide.   These can be used in transition year, fifth year and 6th year, such in Guidance and SPHE as well as cross curricular and outside of class.   

HEADSTRONG works in three core ways:   

1. Cycle Against Suicide provides all coursework and exercises toolkits and resources   
2. HEADSTRONG has a strong peer-to-peer education component. A group of students/learners, supported by a teacher, are trained in our programme. This committee of student/learners then in turn train the rest of their school population throughout the school year.   

3. Throughout the school year teachers will be supported by a core member of Cycle Against Suicide schools’ team.   

Please click on the link below to access information in relation to relevance to the curriculum

 Relevance To Curriculum

This programme is free to all Post Primary schools. 

To participate please visit our eLearning Platform for further information and to register for HEADSTRONG.