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What’s a ‘SpinOff’?
A Cycle Against Suicide ‘SpinOff’ is a locally organised spin that takes place on the third Saturday of every month after the main Cycle ends. The events are locally organised, owned by the community and championed by Cycle Against Suicide ‘local leaders.’ A SpinOff has all the colour, energy and fun of the annual Cycle but is packed into a single day. Entertainment, refreshments and of course a mental well-being event takes place before and after the cycle.

 Why would I organise a ‘SpinOff’ in my local area?
Every Cycle Against Suicide event requires the joint efforts of the entire community and allows for local people to work together with a common purpose and focus. SpinOff events provide a platform for dialogue to take place around mental health and suicide and also provide a meaningful and tangible way for communities to get active and join in the fight against suicide.

What is the length of each Cycle?
We like to make our cycles such that they are inclusive of a broad range of cycling abilities therefore the average route length is 40-50k. SpinOff events also follow the same guidelines as the main Cycle e.g. not a race 20k avg. speed

Option 1

Become a member of the Cycle Against Suicide Cycling Club.
A joining fee of €60 will apply for all members and will entitle them to:
? 12 months insurance to include all SpinOff events, training and any other Cycling Ireland events.
? Reduced entry fee of €20 online or on the day per SpinOff event.
A member can sign up for any SpinOff either online or on-the-day for this reduced fee.

What if I can only participate in one SpinOff?
The cost for one ‘SpinOff’ registration is €20 online or on the day.

Do I have to be a member of the Cycle Against Suicide Club to participate?
No. Participants can just pay for a one-off registration as outlined above.

Students over 18/Retired/Unwaged
A fee of €15 online and on the day will be payable by students over 18 and people who are retired or unwaged

Students Aged 16 – 17 years
A fee of €5 online and on the day will be payable by students aged 16 – 17 years.

Children Under 16 years
Children under the age of 16 years will be accommodated through our “Family Cycles”. Please contact us via our info@cycleagainstsuicide.com to make the appropriate arrangements. The registration fee for students under 16 years participating as part of a family cycle will be €5.

What is a Family Cycle?
Families are welcome to join with our SpinOff’s where appropriate. To ensure maximum health and safety we ask family groups to contact us directly at info@cycleagainstsuicide.com to agree the details at least one month prior to the event.

Exceptional circumstances
If you would like to participate at any of our events but are currently unable to afford the registration fee please contact us at info@cycleagainstsuicide.com and we will do our best to accommodate you.

What do I need to bring on the day of a SpinOff?

  • Have spare tubes/pump on the bike
  • Have some bottles of water/energy drink
  • Have warm/wet gear on if the weather isn’t the best
  • Bring your mobile, put it in a ziploc type bag
  • Always wear your helmet

How can I purchase a Cycle Against Suicide jersey?
Jerseys will be available on the day of each SpinOff event

What makes a SpinOff different from other cycling events?
The Cycle Against Suicide monthly SpinOffs are organized by communities for communities. The aim is to gather the people together from towns and villages all over the island of Ireland with a common focus: To make a difference. To save lives. And ultimately, to fight against suicide.

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