Welcome to the Headstrong Programme.
Note for all quizzes enter your teachers email address in the email field at the top of the quiz page.
Fact Sheets.
All the fact sheets to help you complete the quizzes are available from HERE>>
What is mental health
When you are ready to access the mental health quiz click here>>
** Please enter your teachers email in the Email Field **
When you are ready to access the well-being quiz click here>>
** Please enter your teachers email in the Email Field **
Mental Health Stigma
When you are ready to access the mental health stigma quiz click here>>
** Please enter your teachers email in the Email Field **
When you are ready to access the mindset quiz click here>>
** Please enter your teachers email in the Email Field **
When you are ready to access the resilience quiz click here>>
** Please enter your teachers email in the Email Field **
Look out: How to talk about it.
When you are ready to access the look out how to talk about it quiz click here>>
** Please enter your teachers email in the Email Field **
Please review the kindness fact sheet by clicking here>>
When you are ready to access the kindness quiz click here>>
** Please enter your teachers email in the Email Field **
The Power of Peer Pressure
When you are ready to access the power of peer pressure quiz click here>>
** Please enter your teachers email in the Email Field **
Problem solving
When you are ready to access the problem-solving quiz click here>>
** Please enter your teachers email in the Email Field **
When you are ready to access the bullying quiz click here>>
** Please enter your teachers email in the Email Field **
When you are ready to access the stress quiz click here>>
** Please enter your teachers email in the Email Field **
Anxiety and Panic Disorders
When you are ready to access the anxiety and panic disorders quiz click here>>
** Please enter your teachers email in the Email Field **
When you are ready to access the addiction quiz click here>>
** Please enter your teachers email in the Email Field **